On another beautiful day, we retraced our Sept. 17'th route at a more leisurely pace. Our main objective was to attend a performance of "My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish and I Am Still in Therapy" at the Bristol Riverside Theater. We first stop was in charming New Hope, PA where our route met the Delaware River. We would like to return and see more. We then stopped at the Bowman's Hill tower which provides a spectacular view of the river. This is one of the major tourist attractions in the area. The major historic site along today's route is aptly named Washington Crossing. This is the location where George Washington made his winter crossing of the Delaware on the way to his victory in Trenton, NJ. There is a large collection of colonial style buildings and a visitor's center which you can see on the map and sideshow. We next arrived in Bristol and had time for a walk through the beautiful park and a nice lunch. We then attended a matinee performance of the play, which turned out to be a hilarious one man show.
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Click or tap on the Map link to scroll to the Google Earth map at the bottom of the page. You can follow the route, zoom in to view details, and zoom out see the entire area.Photos
While viewing a map, click or tap on a photo icon to show a larger thumbnail and a caption. Click on the thumbnail to view full size images in the slideshow starting with the selected image.Guided Tour
Click or tap in the Guided Tour list to start an animated Google Earth Virtual Tour at a point of interest. Google Earth flies over the track and, as you fly over photos, it pauses, zooms in, and opens a thumbnail. You control the Tour like a video player pausing wherever you want.Slideshow
Click or tap on the Slideshow button to view pictures without showing a map. This allows you to view the pictures even if you are using browser that does not support Google Earth maps.Google Earth Application
Click or tap on the Google Earth link to download the Google Earth map file. You can configure your browser to automatically open the Google Earth application. In the application, you can take a Virtual Tour, view photos, run the Slideshow, and access many more features.Options
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Guided Tour
Sorry, this browser is not able to show a Google Earth Map on this device. However, you can still tap or click on the Slideshow button to view pictures in the Slideshow and tap or click the "Google Earth" button to open the Google Earth application. The Guided Tour items below can help locate points of interest when you run the Tour in Google Earth.
Click on an item below to show the map and start the Google Earth Tour at a particurlar point. Click on the Back button to return here.